歡慶玉山銀行30週年,本著深愛這個美麗家園的初衷,特別舉辦「玉山30 畫家畫玉山」活動,今年除了設置首獎最高100萬元的獎金之外,為廣納更多國際藝術創作,特別新增「國際組別」,期待透過國內外藝術家靈動的筆觸,描繪玉山的自然、人文及藝術之美,為厚植藝術創作人才盡一份心力。
「玉山30 畫家畫玉山」徵選以玉山國家公園的生態景物及歷史人文特色為主題的創作,材質包括油畫、壓克力及膠彩畫,徵件期間自即日起至台北時間2022年8月31日(三)23:59截止,組別包含「社會組」、「學生組」及「國際組」,具中華民國國籍可報名參加「社會組」與「學生組」,海外藝術創作者、在台外籍人士及學生,歡迎報名「國際組」。美國、法國、日本、澳洲、東協及東歐國家等地,都有許多優秀、具潛力的藝術人才,期待更多畫家們用多元的視角彩繪玉山。
Taiwan, 1st March, 2022-Located in Asia, Taiwan has hundreds of mountains that reach more than 3,000 meters above sea level. With its unique topography, the island is also home to a diversity of precious natural resources. Among its many mountains, Yushan or Mt. Jade Main Peak, at an elevation of 3,952 meters, is the highest. As such, it has become a spiritual symbol of Taiwan.
Inspired by this spirit of Mt. Jade, E.SUN Bank was established in 1992 with the mission of becoming the best bank in Taiwan. Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, it has 139 domestic branches and 28 business locations in nine countries and regions.
In celebration of E.SUN Bank’s 30th anniversary and to showcase its love for Taiwan, the bank has established the E.SUN Awards to support art creations. This year, in addition to offering NT$1 million to the first prize winner, an international category has been included. We look forward to seeing the depictions of the natural, cultural, and artistic beauty of Mt. Jade by domestic and international artists, as we actively support artistic and creative talent.
The themes of the E.SUN Awards are the ecological landscapes and the historical and cultural characteristics of Yushan National Park. Oil, acrylic, and Eastern gouache paintings will be accepted. The submission period is from now until August 31, 2022 at 23:59 Taipei time. Participating Categories include General Public, Student, and International. Taiwan nationals may submit entries in the General Public and Student categories. Non-Taiwan nationals, whether based outside of Taiwan or living or studying in Taiwan, may submit entries in the International category.
In the International category, one first prize winner, one to three special prize winners, and one to five merit award winners will be chosen. These winners will receive prize, certificate, and special publication featuring the award-winning works. The total prize for the international category is US$130,000. The winning works in each category will be included in a traveling exhibition around Taiwan and the organizer will cover the shipping costs of works to Taiwan. For more information, please go online.
E.SUN Awards were previously held in 2012 and 2017 with enthusiastic support from artists and people from all walks of life and more than 2,800 works submitted. In addition to local artist participation, well-known and established artists were invited to exhibit their works. Through their brush strokes, artists depict the diverse landscapes and rich sentiments of Mt. Jade and through the exhibition of outstanding paintings, the public enjoys the authenticity, goodness, and beauty of art.